“I am. Yo soy.”

50 Affirmation cards in english & spanish

Written by: Brenda Perez de Tejada

Illustrated by: Rogelio Valdez

Cover art: Kelly Gene

I am. Yo soy. Affirmation deck.
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Why affirmations?

Meditations & Affirmations changed my life when I felt like things were falling apart all around me 4 years ago. They allowed me to tap into the most authentic version of mySelf and that led me to take courses in manifestation, consciousness shifting, and conscious living. I then took the big leap to hire a private meditation specialist and life coach for 6 months and my life transformed in such a way- that I knew I needed to share this information out to whoever wanted to listen and receive it.

What are they?

“A lot of people believe affirmations are just wishful thinking. But there is scientific evidence that backs up the effectiveness of affirmations. One study found that affirmations activate the brain’s reward centers. This helps to create, reshape, and strengthen new neural pathways.” -Erin Eatough. PhD. (Read more of this article here.)

Here is my explanation of what they are, from my perspective, education, and experience. If they work for you great, if not, great! As always, take what works, leave what doesn’t.

  • Affirmations are positive & present tense statements that help you overcome self doubt & fuel your actions with conscious intention.

  • Affirmations bring out in you what you haven’t yet healed or have been suppressing. They clearly address what you have been struggling with or succeeding with, within your subconscious.

  • Affirmations won't always feel true. That's pretty typical. That's okay. This is how we become more self aware and how we begin to take back our power from within. This is the first step to subconscious reprogramming.

  • Consistency with affirmations accustoms your brain to shift typical negative statements into positive and helpful statements.

  • Consistency trains & teaches your brain that these statements are true and they begin manifesting in your life as time passes.

about this deck

  • I wrote 365 affirmations last year as I navigated some big shifts in my life, but these are my favorite 50. :)

  • There are no periods after the last statement on each card. It is because I believe you have much to add to every single affirmation. It is an invitation for you to continue the positive phrasing. Add an “and” to every statement and see what else your subconscious is calling in more of.

  • The artwork was by another fellow Mexican human, Rogelio Valdez, who happens to be a former theater student of mine and who is now studying graphic design at CCC. He drew all of these gorgeous designs by hand and is open for commission! He played with a lot of symmetry, and wanted to make sure the art read clearly both within the spanish and english versions.

  • Making these in both English & Spanish was very important to me. My first language and the language most of my family speaks is Spanish, and we have been on this journey toward conscious living and mindfulness together over the past few years. It has been really special exploring an expansion of consciousness in two different languages and I really wanted to make sure I created something that connected to all the people in my life.


How to use this deck:

Note- there is no wrong way to use it :)


Hold the deck in your hands & take a moment to connect to it, set a general intention and energy for all of your future readings, & thank whatever higher power, universal energy that you believe in.


Decide what type of reading you would like for the moment. You get to take creative liberty with this. There is no wrong way to use your cards. Here are some of the overall methods you can use for an affirmation deck.

One Card Energy—> Tap into whatever energy the universe is advising you for that day/week/month. Work with that single affirmation deeply.

Two Card Feelings—> Pull two cards with the intention that the first is something you are already doing well with, the second is what you should tap into deeper.

3 Card Past. Present. Future —> One card represents a past energy you embodied, another the present energy you’re embodying, and the last is where you are headed given your current energy.

Choices Cards—> If you are having trouble deciding what choice to make, pick as many cards as you have choices and whatever card comes up with that choice, is the outcome energy of that choice.


Shuffle your cards however you would like. Hold the thoughts in your mind that you would like clarity on as you shuffle. Here is a link to a video on multiple different ways to shuffle a deck and pick your cards. Ways to shuffle your cards


Write down the date and your initial reactions to the cards that you chose. This could take 10 seconds or 10 minutes. But it is important to have some type of log to your reactions to the cards or else how would you track your growth!? How did they make you feel? How can you incorporate those statements more? What did the artwork make you think about? Everything is fair game here.